Irish, America, Ireland, Eire, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Fraternal, Irish-American, Virginia Beach, KofC, St Patrick Division, St Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, Knights of Columbus, Catholic, Irish Catholic, Roman Catholic, Norfolk, Hampton Roads, Virginia

Ancient Order of Hibernians

The Ancient Order of Hibernians,

St. Patrick's Division 1 St. Patrick of Eire


The Members of St. Patrick's Division 1, Ancient Order of Hibernians are dedicated to the preservation of our Irish heritage, and to serve the Irish Catholic Community in Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Click this link for the St. Patrick Division 1, AOH New Website

28th Massachusetts (Irish Brigade) charges the stone wall

The Ancient Order of Hibernians is the oldest Irish Catholic organization in the U.S.A., and has no affiliation with, nor does it condone or support violence or terrorism. The AOH is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, it's teachings, and it's leadership in religious freedom and peace. Ad majorem, Dei gloriam!